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My Father Mr. Mercedes

My Father Mr. Mercedes

Guy Jellinek-Mercedes
Библиографическая информация: NY: Chilton Books, 1967 – 319 p.

In 1896 Emil Jellinek traveled from Nice to Cannstatt, where he was met by a gleaming 6hp Daimler and driven to the newly opened Daimler Motor Works. He purchased one of these vehicles and in the following year he ordered no less than 140 of various models. In next to no time he was the sole agent for Daimler outside Germany; in fact it was he who gave the name of his daughter to all the cars which he bought for re-sale from the Daimler Company thus establishing for all time the world-renowned car which carries the three pointed star. Later he was to add the name to his own and became known as Emil Jellinek-Mercedes.